
The Long and Short of It


For 50 years, humanity has been slowly coming to terms with the reality that our economy is bounded by our ecology.

Yet, with short-termism hardwired into our cultural, political and financial systems, we continue to use resources faster than nature can regenerate them – undermining our future wellbeing and prosperity.

What will it take to reverse the trend towards societal short-sightedness? What does it mean to invest for the long term? And how can we all contribute to building an economy that works within nature’s limits?

Drawing on lessons from the Climate-KIC Long-termism Deep Demonstration, this session will explore cutting edge ideas about how we can instil long-termism in our financial, economic and political systems.

When: 25 January 2022, 2 – 3pm GMT

Hosted by Volans (online)

Speakers to include:

  • Richard Roberts & Charlene Cranny, Volans
  • Jakob Thomä & Anne Schoenauer, 2° Investing Initiative
  • Raj Kalia, Dark Matter Labs

Yet, with short-termism hardwired into our cultural, political and financial systems, we continue to use resources faster than nature can regenerate them – undermining our future wellbeing and prosperity.

What will it take to reverse the trend towards societal short-sightedness? What does it mean to invest for the long term? And how can we all contribute to building an economy that works within nature’s limits?

Drawing on lessons from the Climate-KIC Long-termism Deep Demonstration, this session will explore cutting edge ideas about how we can instil long-termism in our financial, economic and political systems.

When: 25 January 2022, 2 – 3pm GMT

Hosted by Volans (online)

Speakers to include:

  • Richard Roberts & Charlene Cranny, Volans
  • Jakob Thomä & Anne Schoenauer, 2° Investing Initiative
  • Raj Kalia, Dark Matter Labs