
JC3 Flagship Conference 2021: #FinanceForChange

The Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3) an initiative co-chaired by Securities Commission Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia, will be hosting the inaugural JC3 Flagship Conference 2021, Finance for Change, on 23-25 June 2021.

The implications of climate change on financial stability can no longer be ignored. The financial sector has both the responsibility and ability to improve its preparedness to manage the impacts of climate change, as well as mitigate environmental, social and governance risks while supporting the transition towards a low carbon economy through its products and services. As part of its efforts to further engage and build industry capability, the JC3 will be hosting the JC3 Flagship Conference on 23-25 June 2021.

This virtual conference aims to accelerate sustainable development and catalyse action within all Financial Institutions (FI) in Malaysia as well as stakeholders in their value chain. The Flagship Conference is anticipated to host over 1,000 FI participants, including board members, CEOs, senior management and practitioners, as well as FI clients, investees and other value chain players.

Among other specialists, 2DII’s Deputy Head of Retail Investing Nicola Koch and Senior Analyst Constanze Bayer will be speaking during the breakout session on 23 June, “Sustainable investment: what do your clients actually want?

Access the full program and register today:





The implications of climate change on financial stability can no longer be ignored. The financial sector has both the responsibility and ability to improve its preparedness to manage the impacts of climate change, as well as mitigate environmental, social and governance risks while supporting the transition towards a low carbon economy through its products and services. As part of its efforts to further engage and build industry capability, the JC3 will be hosting the JC3 Flagship Conference on 23-25 June 2021.

This virtual conference aims to accelerate sustainable development and catalyse action within all Financial Institutions (FI) in Malaysia as well as stakeholders in their value chain. The Flagship Conference is anticipated to host over 1,000 FI participants, including board members, CEOs, senior management and practitioners, as well as FI clients, investees and other value chain players.

Among other specialists, 2DII’s Deputy Head of Retail Investing Nicola Koch and Senior Analyst Constanze Bayer will be speaking during the breakout session on 23 June, “Sustainable investment: what do your clients actually want?

Access the full program and register today: