
December 19, 2018

2° Investing Initiative appointed to the FRC Future of Corporate Reporting Advisory Group


We are pleased to announce that Simon Messenger has been appointed to the UK Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) Future of Corporate Reporting Advisory Group. The group will provide input and give advice to the FRC as it develops its project on the future of corporate reporting.

Simon Messenger, Director for France and the UK at the 2° Investing Initiative, said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this advisory group. It is a major project for the UK financial reporting community, which will lead to a number of recommendations for changes to regulation and practice. We look forward to contributing our own experience, in particular with regard to various European corporate reporting directives and scenario analysis disclosure, in order to shape global regulatory practices.”

The group comprises of representatives from the FRC’s major stakeholder groups – companies, investors, civil society groups, academics, auditors, audit committee chairs, lawyers and design agencies. Members of the group have been selected to ensure that there is an appropriate balance of members from different backgrounds.

You can find the FRC’s press release here.

The FRC sets the UK Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes, as well as UK standards for accounting and actuarial work. It monitors and takes action to promote the quality of corporate reporting and operates independent enforcement arrangements for accountants and actuaries. The FRC also sets auditing and ethical standards and enforces audit quality.


This website is the new home of 2° Investing Initiative Germany following its relaunch as Theia Finance Labs. If you want to visit 2° Investing Initiative France, please go to